Some successful experiences in Maggot Therapy in Babol, Iran
Rahman Babpour Darzi, Dr. Ali Asghar Sefidgar, Dr. Kamran Akbarzadeh
Maggot Debridement Therapy became more attended these days as an effective medicinal tool for healing of chronic wounds especially for those of inoculated with resistant bacteria and biofilms. Beneficial effects of Maggot Therapy (MT) have been proved most centuries ago. Main activities of sterile maggots of Lucilia sericata as agent of MT are mechanical removing of necrotic tissues, promotion of wound healing (secretion of tissues growth factors) and antimicrobial activity of maggots.
The experiences of successful wound healing in chronic ulcers by means of MT showed that the rate of amputation can be reduced in whole populations with approving of MT in Iran.